It is often said that alcohol has a faster and stronger effect at high temperatures. We’ll tell you what’s true.
If you drink a few beers on the beach and jump into the cold water to cool off, they say you’re putting your life in danger. Consuming alcoholic beverages before swimming carries some risks: Anyone who goes swimming drunk, for example, is risking their life.
Even small amounts of alcohol can significantly impair coordination. Bathers then quickly overestimate their abilities. Those who go into cool water heated and intoxicated also risk severe circulatory problems due to hypothermia – even at water temperatures as low as 20 to 22 degrees.
Bathing accidents are often due to alcohol consumption
So, the jump into the cold water can end fatally in the worst case. “In combination with high temperatures, the consequences of alcohol in the body intensify,” warns Heidrun Thaiss of the Technical University of Munich.
Both alcohol and heat dilate blood vessels, which could lead to collapse and unconsciousness. The German Life Saving Association (DLRG) also points out that alcohol or drug consumption often plays a role in swimming accidents.
Alcohol has a stronger and faster effect on heat
You get drunk faster in the heat. At higher temperatures, the body cells contain less fluid. As a result, the alcohol in the body is more concentrated, has a more substantial effect, and sets in earlier.
However, this does not mean that this state will also go over more quickly. The liver takes just as long to break down alcohol in hot weather as in cooler weather. Many doctors, therefore, recommend quenching thirst with non-alcoholic beverages in hot weather.
People who drink do fall asleep faster.
That one sleeps better with liquor or wine is only half the truth. Alcohol indeed makes you fall asleep better because you relax. However, alcohol is still not recommended because it reduces sleep quality. Tipsy people sleep more restlessly. You’re more likely to wake up as soon as the effects of alcohol wear off and then have trouble getting back to sleep.
Alcohol numbs, but it doesn’t help digestion.
The digestive effects of alcohol are also a fallacy. This is because alcohol merely numbs and weakens the feeling of fullness. The food is not digested more quickly.
Primarily, a second or third schnapps is drunk. This only makes things worse: in larger quantities, alcohol impedes digestion. It blocks those nerves that ensure food passes from the stomach to the intestines.
Schnapps and cola make you drunk.
Beer, schnapps, cocktails, and sparkling wine—on a social evening with friends, several alcoholic beverages can come together. But it’s not the mixture or the order that makes you drunk, but the amount of alcohol.
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